
0 N Forest Rd <> Lake Senica District, Unit Globe, AZ 85501

61.9 acres

Property details

About 0 N Forest Rd <>

The property is located in the Tonto National Forest, it's a private inholding that overlooks the upper salt river canyon from the south rim. The land is scenic, rugged and offers a unique encounter with your own private forest. A premier location that's off-grid, remote and a perfect place for any activities of a sportsmen or outdoor enthusiasts. Year round and seasonal habitat for bear, elk, mountain lion, deer and bobcats to name a few. The altitude varies from approx. 4600ft to 5400ft. There is a seasonal spring that runs through the property, dropping into the canyon below. Lush vegetation: Wildflowers, native grasses, Pinyon and Juniper Woodlands, Numerous old large diameter Pinyon Pines, stringy & alligator Juniper mixed with Manzanita shrubs & Sycamore trees. Abundant geology, minerals and history! Abandoned mining property, very isolated and private. More...The Canadian mine is 35 miles north of Globe, located within Tonto National Forest at Salt River Canyon. From Globe take US 60 north to Showlow approximately 30 miles to Seneca Lake Campgrounds. There is an abandoned gas station / trading post on the left (west) side of the road turn left just after the station. Travel west 3.8 miles on Forest Service Road 473 then turn right (north) on Forest Service Trail 382 for approximately .9 mile to a locked private entrance gate. The property consists of three patented lode claims totaling 61.93 acres completely surrounded by Tonto National Forest. Altitude varies from 5400 to 4600ft. At its longest point the property lines extend over a half mile up and over a hill then drops off sharply into Salt River Canyon with elevation changes of 800 feet. F.S. road 473 and F.S. trail 382 serve as the only ingress, egress to the property. F.S. road 473 is maintained by Gila County as contracted by the Forest Service, F.S. trail 382 is maintained by the landowner. F.S. trail 382 continues through the property down into the Salt River Canyon for several miles and divides into three different trails each ending within a quarter mile from the Salt River. There is an intermittent stream that runs through the property dropping into the canyon over a 50 ft. waterfall. Vegetation is Pinyon Pine-Juniper Woodlands. There are numerous old large diameter Pinyon Pines, stringy and alligator Juniper mixed with Manzanita shrubs and Sycamore trees along the creek bed. The average annual rainfall is 17 to 23 inches, 2-4 inches of snow are common during winter. Temperature swings from 10F to 100F have been recorded at Seneca Lake, but historical averages are much more moderate. The Canadian Mine was active from 1920 to 1954 with sporadic operations by several different Lessees, including the US Government. They prospected for deposits of Chrysotile to add to the strategic mineral stockpiles. All the mines are underground workings with 800 feet of tunnels and stopes (large underground rooms). Improvements to the property include culverts installed on F.S. Trail 382, a 30 ft. steel gate with 1in steel cable extending 75ft. out on both sides of the fence posts. A state registered well 300ft. deep with a Grundfos pump installed at 290 ft. Four water tanks totaling 7300 gallons. A 44 yard concrete slab measuring 40ft.x40ft. with 4ft. High walls made AAC jumbo blocks, each block is 2ft.x4ft.x8in and weighs 200 pounds. A 4ft.x4ft. masonry block outhouse with flush toilet and septic system.


Home typeOther
Lot size61.93 Acres
MLS #6807926

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  • MLS Number: 6807926
  • MLS Name: Arizona Regional Multiple Listing Service 2
  • Office Name: Opportunity 2 Own Real Estate
  • Office Phone: (602) 320-1347
  • Office Email: jtsellingazre@gmail.com
  • Listing Agent: Jeanie Teyechea

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Last updated on: 3/3/2025, 1:21:17 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.

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The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $51,912. The most common annual income of people living in Lake Senica District, Unit Globe, AZ is between $35k-100k. Most families are single, no kids. Most residents in this area have high school diploma education.

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All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas

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About 0 N Forest Rd <>

This home is located at 0 N Forest Rd <> in Lake Senica District, Unit Globe, AZ and zip code 85501. Features: 0 bathroom. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since January 23, 2025 and is currently priced at $949,000.

In February 2025, from all listings sold in Lake Senica District, Unit Globe, AZ there were more than 1 sold above asking price, over 3 sold below and more than 0 were sold right at the asked price. The inventory of homes for sale in Lake Senica District, Unit Globe, AZ between January and February 2025 did not move. In February 2025, listings were on the market for 81 days. During the same period, the median list price in this real estate market was $225,000.

From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.

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