
101 Cow Pt Roque Bluffs, ME 04654

3 beds
3 full
2,675 sqft
1.9 acres

Property details

About 101 Cow Pt

This contemporary Hugh Jacobsen inspired residence at 101 Cow Point Road, Roque Bluffs, ME, offers 2140 sq. ft. of thoughtfully designed living space. The single-story layout includes three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and an open-concept kitchen and living area. The primary bedroom is generously sized at 420 sq. ft., providing ample space for relaxation. The interior showcases a sleek, modern aesthetic with crisp white walls and warm wood flooring throughout. Large windows in the living area frame picturesque views of the surrounding forest, allowing natural light to flood the space. A built-in gas fireplace adds a cozy touch to the living room. The kitchen boasts high-end stainless steel appliances, including a French door refrigerator, and extensive white cabinetry with glass-front upper units. A marble backsplash and countertops complete the luxurious look. The bathrooms feature elegant finishes, including glass shower enclosures and marble-look tiling. Additional amenities include a dedicated laundry room with state-of-the-art stacked washer and dryer units. The home's layout incorporates two hallways for easy navigation between rooms. Throughout the property, recessed lighting and carefully chosen fixtures enhance the modern ambiance, creating a harmonious and inviting living environment. Garage will be completed with interior sheet rock and upstairs on suite studio living space. Living square footage is 2,329 for the main house and 346 square feet for the living space over the garage for a total of 2,675 All situated on Englishman Bay which is offers deep water for sailing, boating, and all activities on the Coast of Maine Taxes are based on the unimproved lot.


Home typeSingle Family Residence
HeatingForced Air
Size2,675 sqft
Lot size1.9 Acres
Year built2025
Parking5 - 10 Spaces, Gravel, Detached, Storage
MLS #1615497
Garage1 space
WaterfrontBay, Ocean Front


  • MLS Number: 1615497
  • MLS Name: Maine Listings
  • Office Name: Legacy Properties Sotheby's International Realty
  • Office Phone: (207) 780-8900
  • Office Email: info@legacysir.com

IDXDisclaimer: Based on information from the Maine Real Estate Information System, Inc. (d/b/a Maine Listings. Listing data is derived in whole or in part from the Maine IDX and is for consumers' personal, noncommercial use only. Dimensions are approximate and not guaranteed. All data should be independently verified. Copyright © 2025 Maine Real Estate Information System, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Equal Housing
Data displayed may be a portion of, and not a complete set of all listings published in the MLS.
Last updated on: 3/14/2025, 11:20:57 AM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.

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view of front of house featuring a garage, a chimney, and an outdoor structure


101 Cow Pt

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The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $40,648. Residents of Roque Bluffs, ME typically earn between $35k-100k each year. Residents typically live in single, no kids family. Typical level of education for residents in this area is high school diploma.

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What do the neighbors do for fun?

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What do the neighbors listen to?

  • Classic CountryClassic Country
  • New CountryNew Country
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All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas

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About 101 Cow Pt

This home is located at 101 Cow Pt in Roque Bluffs, ME and zip code 04654. This 2,675 square foot home, which was built in 2025, sits on a 1.90 acre lot. Features: 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. It is currently priced at $2,100,000.

From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.

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