
1037 Cherokee Rd Cedartown, GA 30125

Closing credit¹
3 beds
2 full
1,344 sqft
1.0 acres
$86 / sqft

Property details

About 1037 Cherokee Rd

Great investment or first home opportunity! This 3BR 2B property is located on a 1 acre lot in the country just outside of town. It is convenient to Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Tractor Supply, and many of Cedartown's most popular restaurants. The owners began a complete renovation of the inside to include new subflooring but have decided to allow someone else to finish the renovation due to underlying private health issues. This is a fixer-upper in need of finishing touches such as light fixtures, paint, flooring, minor drywall patches. New septic system and lines have been installed. New 200 amp electrical box has been installed. Owner is leaving everything onsite with the property to include all construction materials including paint, drywall supplies, wood, and other materials necessary to complete the renovation. Gas heat and propane tank onsite. New outlet covers, new toilets, and new subflooring have been installed. Open concept manufactured home with screen porch. Home has tremendous potential for the right investor or first time homeowner. There is room for a garden, hobby farm, or whatever you decide. 44x44 barn with power exists on property. The roof is 4 years old. New back door installed as well as newer Sears windows. Seller has purchased and will provide a new kitchen vanity and butchers block. Driveway is in need of repair but will be fixed prior to closing. Beautiful property!! Come finish it and make it your own!


HeatingNatural Gas
StatusSale Pending
(Under Contract)
CoolingWindow Unit(s)
Size1,344 sqft
Lot size1 Acres
Year built1977
MLS #10467211


  • MLS Number: 10467211
  • MLS Name: Georgia MLS 2
  • Office Name: Maximum One Community Realty
  • Listing Agent: Thomas M Montgomery

IDX Based on information from the Georgia MLS © 2025.

All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. GAMLS, this broker and their affiliates provide the MLS and all content therein “AS IS” and without any warranty, express or implied. The information included in this listing is provided exclusively for consumers’ personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. The information on each listing is furnished by the owner and deemed reliable to the best of his/her knowledge, but should be verified by the purchaser GAMLS and this broker assume no responsibility for typographical errors, misprints or misinformation. This property is offered without respect to any protected classes in accordance with the law.

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Data displayed may be a portion of, and not a complete set of all listings published in the MLS.
Last updated on: 3/14/2025, 7:20:51 AM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.

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view of property exterior


1037 Cherokee Rd


closing credit¹

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0.5% sale price²

Price information

Property sales

Jan 11, 2005
Home Sold

Tax history

YearAssessmentProperty Tax

History based on county public records data.

Nearby schools


Cherokee Elementary School

Public District PK-5

0.7 mi

191 Evergreen Ln


Northside Elementary School

Public District PK-5

2.2 mi

100 N Philpot St


Westside Elementary School

Public District PK-5

3.0 mi

51 Frank Lott Dr

School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

All data from GreatSchools


The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $53,896. The majority of Cedartown, GA residents have income between $35k-100k annually. Typical family type is married, no kids. The most common level of education of people living in this area is post secondary degree.

How much money do the neighbors make?


What level of education do the neighbors have?

High School Diploma
Post Secondary Degree
Masters Degree

What types of families live nearby?

Single, No Kids
Single, with Kids
Married, No Kids
Married, with Kids

Are the neighbors home owners or renters?

Home Owners

How old are people in this area?

<11 yrs old
12-17 yrs old
18-34 yrs old
35-64 yrs old
65+ yrs old

What do the neighbors do for fun?

  • Figure SkatingFigure Skating
  • Pro WrestlingPro Wrestling

Where do the neighbors shop?

  • KmartKmart
  • Wal-MartWal-Mart
  • Dollar GeneralDollar General

Where do the neighbors go to eat?

  • Bob EvansBob Evans
  • SonicSonic
  • Cracker BarrelCracker Barrel

What do the neighbors drive?

  • BuickBuick
  • OldsmobileOldsmobile
  • RamRam

What do the neighbors listen to?

  • OldiesOldies
  • Contemporary InspirationalContemporary Inspirational
  • Classic CountryClassic Country
All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas

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Frequently asked questions

About 1037 Cherokee Rd

This home is located at 1037 Cherokee Rd in Cedartown, GA and zip code 30125. This 1,344 square foot home, which was built in 1977, sits on a 1.00 acre lot. Features: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since February 27, 2025 and is currently priced at $115,000.

Cedartown, GA housing market in February 2025 saw over 1 listings sold above listed price, more than 4 sold at listed price and over 9 sold below. Between January and February 2025, Cedartown, GA real estate market has seen increase in the number of listings by 8.1%. While the average time on the market in February 2025 was 85 days, the median list price was $236,500.

From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.

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