#T3515115, Ron Carpenter, Jr., Listing Office: FLORIDA REALTY HUB LLC
Address not disclosed - MLS#1205749
Address not disclosed - MLS#1205749
Palm Coast, FL 32164
Palm Coast, FL 32164
Price information
Property sales
We're sorry, we currently don't have property sales data for this listing.
Tax history
Year | Assessment | Property Tax |
2023 | $44,000 | $431 |
2022 | $46,000 | $436 |
2021 | $22,500 | $436 |
2020 | $16,000 | $298 |
2019 | $10,099 | $221 |
2018 | $9,181 | $204 |
2017 | $9,450 | $177 |
History based on county public records data.
Nearby schools
Old Kings Elementary School
Public District PK-5
3.9 mi
•301 Old Kings Rd S
Bunnell Elementary School
Public District PK-5
6.7 mi
•305 N Palmetto St
Rymfire Elementary School
Public District PK-5
8.0 mi
•1425 Rymfire Dr
School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.
The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $48,439. The most common annual income of people living in Palm Coast, FL is between $35k-100k. Most families are married, no kids. Most residents in this area have high school diploma education.