#73342310, Clarendon Companies Group, Listing Office: Clarendon Companies Group
140 Shawmut Unit 4C Boston, MA 02118
Property details
About 140 Shawmut Unit 4C
Exceptional three bedroom, two and a half bath PENTHOUSE residence providing nearly 2300 square feet of living space on one floor, plus a private roofdeck and two garage parking. The Lucas is an award winning historical building converted to a boutique luxury condominium comprised of 33 units, completed in 2017 and lauded by the American Institute of Architects. The building features a concierge, gym, pet spa, and resident’s lounge + courtyard. Custom kitchen with dual fuel Wolf wall ovens, SubZero refrigeration, and Wolf cooktop. Extraordinary high end finishes, gas fireplace, and full stairs up to a remarkable private roof deck spanning nearly 400 square feet with dazzling views of the Back Bay skyline. All of this is situated in the hottest neighborhood in the South End, steps to Whole Foods, art galleries, restaurants, cafes, gyms, and public transport. Custom closets and window treatments. Also includes two garage parking spaces!
- MLS Number: 73343682
- MLS Name: MLS Property Information Network
- Office Name: Cabot & Company
- Office Phone: (617) 262-6200
- Listing Agent: Rene Rodriguez
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Last updated on: 3/13/2025, 12:55:48 AM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.
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140 Shawmut Unit 4C
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Nearby schools
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School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.
The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $18,037. Most Boston, MA residents have annual incomes less than $<35k. Typical family type is single, no kids. The most common level of education of people living in this area is high school diploma.
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About 140 Shawmut Unit 4C
This home is located at 140 Shawmut Unit 4C in Boston, MA and zip code 02118 in the New York Streets neighborhood. This 2,257 square foot home was built in 2017. Features: 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since March 11, 2025 and is currently priced at $2,500,000.
In February 2025, from all listings sold in Boston, MA there were more than 51 sold above asking price, over 119 sold below and more than 36 were sold right at the asked price. The number of listings in Boston, MA increased by 11.9% between January and February 2025. In February 2025 median list price was $832,546 and the average listing age was 59 days.