
175 W 95th St Unit 2C New York City, NY 10025

3 beds
2 full
1,243 sqft
$2,253 / sqft

Property details

About 175 W 95th St Unit 2C

This one bucks the trend. Conventional wisdom says that all apartments in New York are compromises; however, there is little compromise in this one. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms, an open kitchen, a dining area that does not encroach on your living room, and a large (1,366sf) private terrace make this an uncompromised "forever home."<br> <br> Another time-tested truth is that the home you want is 25% above your price range, but that is not the case here. Chances are you have<br> been looking for a 3-bedroom condo on the Upper West Side for a while and found that most are prohibitively expensive, so expensive that you dared not hope for a terrace. Until now!<br> <br> The numbers make this apartment a find; the layout makes it a perfect home. <br> <br> From the entry foyer, the home splits into two zones. To the right are the "private" areas, where all three bedrooms, both bathrooms and a<br> laundry room are located. The bedrooms each have a sizable window looking out onto your private terrace and come in three sizes: medium, large, and an extra-large primary bedroom. The primary has a very comfortable four-fixture en-suite bath and a wall of closets. The large bedroom is currently used as an office, but it could comfortably hold a king-sized bed if desired. Meanwhile, the medium offers a more intimate setting.<br> <br> You turn left from the foyer to access the "public" spaces. First, there is a well-proportioned European-designed, open kitchen with enough<br> space for multiple cooks to fight over the top-of-the-line appliances. Two pantries with plenty of storage space and a bar area that can easily seat four make the space even more practical. The kitchen also abuts the windowed dining area, which makes it a valuable and pleasant space for dinner parties. <br> <br> While the living room is comfortably sized, you have a lot more space than in most new developments because the dining area does not<br> infringe. The glass wall separating it from the terrace makes the space feel even more comfortable.<br> <br> And so we finally get to the "piece de resistance." Terraces come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, but they are hardly ever shaped and sized perfectly (32'x51' rectangle). Making it even more exceptional is the fencing, which not only provides incredible privacy to the terrace and the<br> entire apartment but also provides a sound buffer.<br> <br> The building has a large fitness center, a children's playroom, an exceptional lounge (with an urban "glass house" feel), and a common roof deck, all conveniently located on the same floor as your new home.<br> <br> But if you need to get out, 175 West 95th Street is ideally located near two strategically important subway stations, with the 1-2-3 line about 300 yards away. On the rare occasion that you desire more outdoor space, you are nearly an equal 5 minutes from Central Park and Riverside Park.


Home typeCondominium
Size1,243 sqft
Year built1971
MLS #RLS10984605


  • MLS Number: RLS10984605
  • MLS Name: RLS
  • Office Name: Brown Harris Stevens Residential Sales LLC
  • Office Phone: (212) 906-9234
  • Office Email: bfreedman@bhsusa.com
  • Listing Agent: Frans H Preidel
  • Agent Phone: (212) 906-0507

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Last updated on: 3/12/2025, 7:20:56 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.

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view of patio / terrace featuring an outdoor living space


175 W 95th St Unit 2C

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Nearby schools


P.S. 163 Alfred E. Smith School

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P.S. 84 Lillian Weber School

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School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

All data from GreatSchools


The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $75,900. Typical income of New York City, NY residents is between $35k-100k annually. The most common type of family is single, no kids. Most residents in this area have post secondary degree education.

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No High School
High School Diploma
Post Secondary Degree
Masters Degree

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Single, No Kids
Single, with Kids
Married, No Kids
Married, with Kids

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Home Owners

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<11 yrs old
12-17 yrs old
18-34 yrs old
35-64 yrs old
65+ yrs old

What do the neighbors do for fun?

  • Art MuseumsArt Museums
  • Music ConcertsMusic Concerts
  • Live TheatreLive Theatre

Where do the neighbors shop?

  • BloomingdalesBloomingdales
  • H&MH&M
  • Nordstrom RackNordstrom Rack

Where do the neighbors go to eat?

  • StarbucksStarbucks
  • ChipotleChipotle
  • Boston MarketBoston Market

What do the neighbors drive?

  • AudiAudi
  • VolkswagenVolkswagen
  • MercedesMercedes

What do the neighbors listen to?

  • NewsNews
  • Rhythmic Contemporary HitsRhythmic Contemporary Hits
  • AlternativeAlternative
All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas

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About 175 W 95th St Unit 2C

This home is located at 175 W 95th St Unit 2C in New York City, NY and zip code 10025 in the Upper West Side neighborhood. This 1,243 square foot home was built in 1971. Features: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since June 5, 2024 and is currently priced at $2,800,000.

Over 189 listings were sold over their listed price in February 2025 in New York City, NY. In the same period over 627 listings were sold below the listed price and 682 listings were sold for the listed price. Between January and February 2025, New York City, NY real estate market has seen decrease in the number of listings by 3.1%. The median list price of listings available in February 2025 was $867,439, while the average time on the real estate market was 130 days.

From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.

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