
1850 Lcr 439 Groesbeck, TX 76667

Closing credit¹
3 beds
2 full, 1 partial
2,145 sqft
23.7 acres
$343 / sqft

Property details

About 1850 Lcr 439

If you are looking for a move in ready horse property in a great location this beautiful rustic 3 bedroom 2.5 bathroom barndominium on 23.72 (+/-) acres is it! The split floor plan offers a large master suite, 2 guest rooms that share a Jack and Jill restroom, large living area with a wood burning fireplace, stained concrete floors, and granite counter tops throughout. The laundry room and half bath doubles as a mud room that can be entered from the oversized 2 car garage and workshop. The custom rustic charm of this home is just the beginning. The covered back porch overlooks the cross fenced pastures and large pond and is the perfect place to sit and watch the sunset. The 40 X 48 barn with tack room and the sandy loam soil are the perfect combination for horses, show cattle or the livestock of your choice. Being right on the Groesbeck line make it a short 15 minute drive to town. The water well has a filtration system and insulated well house. Don't miss the opportunity on this amazing property. Groesbeck ISD does have open enrollment.


Home typeSingle Family Residence
HeatingCentral, Electric
CoolingCeiling Fan(s), Central Air, Electric
Size2,145 sqft
Lot size23.72 Acres
Year built2020
ParkingAttached, Garage, Garage Door Opener
MLS #24015209
Attached garage2 spaces
FireplaceWood Burning


  • MLS Number: 24015209
  • MLS Name: Bryan
  • Office Name: Home & Ranch Real Estate
  • Listing Agent: Bobbi Conner, Melissa McCormick Welch

The information is for consumers personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than identifying properties which consumers may be interested in purchasing. IDX information provided by Bryan-College Station Regional Multiple Listing Service (MLS). This information is from sources deemed reliable but not guaranteed.
Data displayed may be a portion of, and not a complete set of all listings published in the MLS.

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Last updated on: 3/14/2025, 12:15:55 AM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.

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1850 Lcr 439


closing credit¹

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0.5% sale price²

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Nearby schools


H O Whitehurst Elementary School

Public District PK-3

7.9 mi

801 S Ellis St


R Q Sims Intermediate School

Public District 3-5

8.7 mi

1010 N Ross Ave


Teague Elementary School

Public District PK-4

9.6 mi

316 N 10th

School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

All data from GreatSchools


The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $78,125. Typical income of Groesbeck, TX residents is between $35k-100k annually. The majority of families are married, no kids. Residents of this area typically have high school diploma education.

How much money do the neighbors make?


What level of education do the neighbors have?

High School Diploma
Post Secondary Degree
Masters Degree

What types of families live nearby?

Single, No Kids
Single, with Kids
Married, No Kids
Married, with Kids

Are the neighbors home owners or renters?

Home Owners

How old are people in this area?

<11 yrs old
12-17 yrs old
18-34 yrs old
35-64 yrs old
65+ yrs old

What do the neighbors do for fun?

  • HuntingHunting
  • Monster TrucksMonster Trucks

Where do the neighbors shop?

  • Academy Sports & OutdoorsAcademy Sports & Outdoors
  • Dollar GeneralDollar General
  • Bass Pro ShopsBass Pro Shops

Where do the neighbors go to eat?

  • Jimmy JohnsJimmy Johns
  • Hardee'sHardee's
  • ApplebeesApplebees

What do the neighbors drive?

  • ChevroletChevrolet
  • OldsmobileOldsmobile

What do the neighbors listen to?

  • New CountryNew Country
  • OldiesOldies
  • Classic CountryClassic Country
All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas

Frequently asked questions

About 1850 Lcr 439

This home is located at 1850 Lcr 439 in Groesbeck, TX and zip code 76667. This 2,145 square foot home, which was built in 2020, sits on a 23.72 acre lot. Features: 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since December 5, 2024 and is currently priced at $735,000.

The number of listings in Groesbeck, TX increased by 42.9% between January and February 2025. In February 2025, listings were on the market for 109 days. During the same period, the median list price in this real estate market was $249,950.

From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.

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