
2700 Sanger Ave Waco, TX 76707

Closing credit¹
3 beds
2 full
2,506 sqft
0.2 acres
$95 / sqft

Property details

About 2700 Sanger Ave

Situated in a neighborhood filled with storybook-style homes, this charming, corner lot house is filled with many features appealing to the eye. The entrance invites you to have a seat on the front porch swing during those cozy, fall evenings in Central Texas. Upon walking into this two-story 1906 built home, you'll immediately notice the beautiful staircase, high-vaulted ceilings, and the large windows that allow so much natural lighting throughout the house. Like many homes built in this era, there isn't a lack of storage space, bookcases, and closets to tuck away plenty of your belongings. The interior of the home has been updated along with a newer roof and including energy efficient mini-split units. There are also three fireplaces that can either be gas or woodburning. Conveniently located downstairs is the primary bedroom and bath, two living & dining rooms, and the large kitchen which is perfect for entertaining. Upstairs will lead you to the two spacious bedrooms as well as a functional kitchenette to accommodate any guest. The upstairs even has its own backdoor entrance to not disturb those downstairs. In the fenced backyard, you'll notice the spacious 3-car garage that can be used as extra storage space or a workshop. Priced at under $100/square foot, you don't want to miss out on the opportunity of owning this lovely home that's only 5 minutes away from downtown Waco, Baylor and Cameron Park!!!


Home typeSingle Family Residence
HeatingSpace Heater(s)
StatusSale Pending
CoolingCentral Air, Ceiling Fan(s), Electric, Gas, Window Unit(s)
Size2,506 sqft
Lot size0.19 Acres
Year built1906
ParkingDetached, Garage, Garage Faces Side, Workshop in Garage
MLS #226399
FireplaceGas, Wood Burning


  • MLS Number: 226399
  • MLS Name: Waco
  • Office Name: Coldwell Banker Apex, REALTORS
  • Office Phone: (254) 776-0000
  • Office Email: kathy@cbapex.com
  • Listing Agent: Rebekah Rodriguez

IDX This data is provided by the Waco Association of REALTORS® Multiple Listing Service Inc. Internet Data Exchange is for consumers personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. The listing broker is listed on each listing; the information is deemed reliable but not guaranteed accurate. Copyrighted © 2025 Waco Association of REALTORS®
Data displayed may be a portion of, and not a complete set of all listings published in the MLS.

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Last updated on: 3/15/2025, 3:15:55 AM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.

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bungalow-style house featuring a porch and a front yard


2700 Sanger Ave


closing credit¹

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0.5% sale price²

Price information

Property sales

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Tax history

YearAssessmentProperty Tax

History based on county public records data.

Nearby schools


Waco Charter School

Public Charter PK-5

0.2 mi

615 N 25th St


Provident Heights Elementary School

Public District PK-5

0.5 mi

2415 Bosque Blvd


West Avenue Elementary School

Public District PK-5

1.1 mi

1101 N 15th St

School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

All data from GreatSchools


The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $38,333. The majority of Waco, TX residents have income between $35k-100k annually. Most families are single, no kids. The most common level of education of people living in this area is high school diploma.

How much money do the neighbors make?


What level of education do the neighbors have?

High School Diploma
Post Secondary Degree
Masters Degree

What types of families live nearby?

Single, No Kids
Single, with Kids
Married, No Kids
Married, with Kids

Are the neighbors home owners or renters?

Home Owners

How old are people in this area?

<11 yrs old
12-17 yrs old
18-34 yrs old
35-64 yrs old
65+ yrs old

What do the neighbors do for fun?

  • Mexican League SoccerMexican League Soccer
  • NHRA Drag RacingNHRA Drag Racing
  • Pro BoxingPro Boxing

Where do the neighbors shop?

  • BurlingtonBurlington
  • Big LotsBig Lots
  • Forever 21Forever 21

Where do the neighbors go to eat?

  • Church's ChickenChurch's Chicken
  • Golden CorralGolden Corral
  • PopeyesPopeyes

What do the neighbors drive?

  • ChevroletChevrolet
  • KiaKia
  • DodgeDodge

What do the neighbors listen to?

  • Urban Adult ContemporaryUrban Adult Contemporary
  • Adult StandardsAdult Standards
  • Urban ContemporaryUrban Contemporary
All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas

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Frequently asked questions

About 2700 Sanger Ave

This home is located at 2700 Sanger Ave in Waco, TX and zip code 76707 in the Brookview neighborhood. This 2,506 square foot home, which was built in 1906, sits on a 0.19 acre lot. Features: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since December 5, 2024 and is currently priced at $239,000.

In February 2025 more than 17 listings in Waco, TX were sold above the asking price. During the same period more than 32 listings were sold at asking price, while more than 73 were sold below. The number of listings in Waco, TX increased by 14.1% between January and February 2025. While the average time on the market in February 2025 was 70 days, the median list price was $225,000.

From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.

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