
29-596 Chin Chuck Rd Hakalau, HI 96710

4 beds
5 full, 1 partial
8,543 sqft
$2,575 / sqft

Property details

About 29-596 Chin Chuck Rd

Kupaianaha Ranch - almost 800 acres on the Hamakua Coast only a short distance from Hilo town. Situated primarily within the historic ahupua‘a of Hakalau, the ranch includes 5 separate parcels, offering privacy and possibilities for a new owner to further develop its agricultural and residential potential. From the front gate the driveway winds for over a mile through orchards and cattle pasture with waterfall and ocean views, leading to a custom-built lodge home oriented to enjoy the highest waterfall on the property.<br><br>The massive scale of the logs imported from Canada to build the residence reflects the grandeur of its location.The luxury lodge style is resonant of the iconic cattle ranches for which the Big Island is known. The living room, den, dining room, kitchen and one guest bedroom are on the first floor, opening to a wraparound deck framing waterfall views. Three fireplaces warm the living room, den and dining room on cool evenings. On the second floor are the primary bedroom, two more guest bedrooms, and an exercise or playroom. A winding staircase leads up to a third floor turret with stunning forever views. <br><br>A pavilion on the deck beckons for barbecue dinners followed by a card game or kanikapila with guitars and ukulele. A path from the home leads down to the natural pool at the bottom of the waterfall. <br><br>A caretakers cottage is accessed via separate entrance from Chin Chuck Road on the largest parcel. With a caretaker in place, this ranch could serve as a second home as well as a primary residence. Three forested parcels are only accessible via 4WD or horse - create trails through them or hide cabins in the woods for a family compound.<br><br>A local rancher runs approximately 40 cows through multiple paddocks. Both the cattle ranching and orchards could be expanded, or other crops grown for market. There is also plenty of land to envision a true equestrian estate with a barn, covered arena, and endless acres for riding trails.


Home typeSingle Family Residence
CoolingAir Conditioning
Size8,543 sqft
Year built2015
ParkingCovered, Attached
MLS #708659
FireplaceGas, Wood Burning
ViewOther, Forest, Ocean, Pasture, Waterfall


  • MLS Number: 708659
  • Office Name: Hawaii Life
  • Office Phone: (808) 989-4050

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29-596 Chin Chuck Rd

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School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

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What do the neighbors do for fun?

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What do the neighbors drive?

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  • News/Talk/InformationNews/Talk/Information
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All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas

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About 29-596 Chin Chuck Rd

This home is located at 29-596 Chin Chuck Rd in Hakalau, HI and zip code 96710. This 8,543 square foot home was built in 2015. Features: 4 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since September 4, 2024 and is currently priced at $22,000,000.

From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.

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