306 Golden Ridge Rd Alna, ME 04535
Property details
About 306 Golden Ridge Rd
A property that truly inspires and transports one's imagination to a simpler time, place, and pace. The home, sited on the spine of the Golden Ridge, is surrounded by 69 acres that roll gently down to the Sheepscot River. The several different pathways to the river are through idyllic fields and mixed forests and when one arrives at the river, easily accessible, the presentation is one of timelessness. This preserved beauty is the result of the efforts to maintain the pristine nature of the valley by the inhabitants. The view downriver is toward the handsome historic village of Sheepscot, the view upriver beckons for further exploration. Many of the period details of the house are unaltered - panelling, mantlepieces, wide plank walls, and flooring. Chimneys and fireplaces have been rebuilt in recent times faced with the period brick to maintain integrity. No remodeled glitz here, but in its stead relaxed and contemplative surroundings in keeping with the location as an outlying part of the village. An abundance of bedrooms in such a cape is unusual and frees up choices for quarters, offices, or studios.
(Active Under Contract)
- MLS Number: 1597709
- MLS Name: Maine Listings
- Office Name: Drum & Drum Real Estate Inc.
- Office Phone: (207) 563-1772
- Office Email: drum1772@gmail.com
Disclaimer: Based on information from the Maine Real Estate Information System, Inc. (d/b/a Maine Listings. Listing data is derived in whole or in part from the Maine IDX and is for consumers' personal, noncommercial use only. Dimensions are approximate and not guaranteed. All data should be independently verified. Copyright © 2025 Maine Real Estate Information System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Data displayed may be a portion of, and not a complete set of all listings published in the MLS.
Last updated on: 3/15/2025, 7:20:55 AM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.
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306 Golden Ridge Rd
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About 306 Golden Ridge Rd
This home is located at 306 Golden Ridge Rd in Alna, ME and zip code 04535. This 2,113 square foot home, which was built in 1760, sits on a 69.00 acre lot. Features: 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. It is currently priced at $1,375,000.