#73337094, John Popp, Listing Office: Keller Williams Boston MetroWest
32 Charles St Natick, MA 01760
Property details
About 32 Charles St
This young custom builder's home is constructed with the highest quality materials that would require paying hundreds of thousands more in today's economy for anything comparable! This neighborhood is being transformed, with luxury new construction replacing outdated slabs. Located on a prime corner lot in a sought-after neighborhood, this residence boasts 4/5 bedrooms and 4 baths, and an oversized primary ensuite with a bespoke walk-in closet. Step inside to an open living room with a fireplace, seamlessly flowing into a chef’s kitchen with a granite island and designer appliances. The first floor features a full bath, office/study, and a versatile room that can serve as a bedroom/formal dining area. The lower level has a large living area, beverage center, full bath, and bonus room. The meticulously landscaped backyard showcases stunning terraced stonework and a sunken fire pit, perfect for outdoor gatherings and cozy evenings. Perfectly situated in the vibrant Natick Center.
- MLS Number: 73279000
- MLS Name: MLS Property Information Network
- Office Name: The Grupposo Group
- Office Phone: (508) 509-7895
- Listing Agent: Mark Grupposo
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Last updated on: 3/4/2025, 1:20:49 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.
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32 Charles St
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Price information
Property sales
We're sorry, we currently don't have property sales data for this listing.
Tax history
Year | Assessment | Property Tax |
2024 | $1,097,800 | $13,459 |
2023 | $1,019,800 | $12,890 |
2022 | $897,700 | $11,975 |
2021 | $844,500 | $11,494 |
2020 | $829,600 | $11,291 |
2018 | $345,300 | $4,506 |
2017 | $319,800 | $4,314 |
History based on county public records data.
Nearby schools
Johnson Elementary School
Public District KG-4
1.0 mi
•99 S Main St
Bennett - Hemenway Elementary School
Public District KG-4
1.1 mi
•22 E Evergreen Rd
Lilja Elementary School
Public District KG-4
1.3 mi
•41 Bacon St
School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.
The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $104,245. Residents of Natick, MA typically earn between $100k-200k each year. The majority of families are single, no kids. Residents of this area typically have post secondary degree education.
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Frequently asked questions
About 32 Charles St
This home is located at 32 Charles St in Natick, MA and zip code 01760. This 3,261 square foot home, which was built in 2015, sits on a 0.23 acre lot. Features: 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since August 18, 2024 and is currently priced at $1,699,000.
In February 2025 more than 8 listings in Natick, MA were sold above the asking price. During the same period more than 2 listings were sold at asking price, while more than 7 were sold below. The number of listings in Natick, MA decreased by 6.3% between January and February 2025. The median list price of listings available in February 2025 was $878,806, while the average time on the real estate market was 48 days.