#73342099, DeWolfe Group, Listing Office: Gibson Sotheby's International Realty
429 Summer St Westwood, MA 02090
Property details
About 429 Summer St
This magnificent Georgian Colonial, set on 13 acres in the heart of Westwood’s estate area, was designed by Johnson, Craven & Gibson and inspired by William Lawrence Bottomley’s Milburne in Richmond, VA. The stunning entry hall with its sweeping staircase is flanked by exquisite formal living and dining rooms, a classic library, and a wonderful breakfast room, all overlooking the south-facing bluestone terrace and grounds beyond. Additionally, there is a spacious kitchen, a butler’s pantry, and 2 wings offering separate living areas for family and guests. Upstairs is a large primary suite with separate baths, 2 ensuite bedrooms, and another bedroom and bath on the 3rd floor, for a total of 6 bedrooms and 6.5 baths. The spectacular grounds include a long private drive bordering the Dedham Country & Polo Club’s 18th fairway. The amazing back lawn is framed by a breathtaking conservatory-greenhouse, a lovely pool and cabana, a peaceful walking path, a tennis court and woods beyond.
- MLS Number: 73344054
- MLS Name: MLS Property Information Network
- Office Name: LandVest, Inc.
- Office Phone: (617) 723-1800
- Listing Agent: John Boyle
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Last updated on: 3/12/2025, 9:20:48 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.
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429 Summer St
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Price information
Property sales
We're sorry, we currently don't have property sales data for this listing.
Tax history
Year | Assessment | Property Tax |
2024 | $3,523,500 | $45,136 |
2023 | $2,838,800 | $40,595 |
2022 | $2,612,050 | $38,737 |
2021 | $2,629,150 | $38,859 |
2020 | $2,670,750 | $38,753 |
2019 | $2,538,650 | $37,191 |
History based on county public records data.
Nearby schools
Deerfield School
Public District KG-5
1.6 mi
•72 Deerfield Ave
Paul R. Hanlon School
Public District KG-5
2.1 mi
•790 Gay St
Public District KG-5
2.2 mi
•120 Broad Meadow Rd
School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.
The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $120,690. Residents of Westwood, MA typically earn $200k+ each year. The majority of families are single, no kids. Typical level of education for residents in this area is post secondary degree.
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About 429 Summer St
This home is located at 429 Summer St in Westwood, MA and zip code 02090. This 9,342 square foot home, which was built in 1984, sits on a 13.14 acre lot. Features: 6 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since March 11, 2025 and is currently priced at $7,000,000.
Over 5 listings were sold over their listed price in February 2025 in Westwood, MA. In the same period over 4 listings were sold below the listed price and 0 listings were sold for the listed price. The number of homes for sale in Westwood, MA did not change between January and February 2025. Listings spent 28 days on the market in February 2025, and had a median list price of $1,100,000 during the same period.