
5227 E Beach Dr Oak Island, NC 28465

Closing credit¹
2 beds
1 full
843 sqft
0.2 acres
$1,126 / sqft

Property details

About 5227 E Beach Dr

Rise and Shine! There is something about the sound of the ocean that's romantic, nostalgic, and hopeful. This oceanfront home is YOU! Once in a while, a home comes on the market that is so special that it captures everyone's heart. The home that is presented to you at 5227 E Beach Drive, Oak Island, NC will remind you of your best childhood days on the beach surrounded by those that mean the most to you. This oceanfront beach cottage perfectly combines classic coastal details with a modernistic vibe. Oak Island was once a yesteryear beach that caught the attention of families and fishermen who would travel to OKI to gather with their friends. Their days would be spent fishing and playing on the island's golden sand beaches and they would gather in the evening to reward themselves with the fresh seafood that they caught that day. If these walls could talk, there would be fish tales for days! Known to the locals on Oak Island as the ''Sunny Side Up,'' this home can be found shining brightly and sitting proudly on East Beach. The name ''Sunny Side Up'' was inspired by the amount of sunshine that pours in as it bounces off the Atlantic Ocean. Is there any better way to start you day? This quaint oceanfront cottage will greet you with a nod to the past and inspire you to make this your dream Beach Home! ''Sunny Side Up'' was thoughtfully and carefully designed to accommodate you and your guests without an inch of wasted space. It offers you a gathering place both inside and out where you can create lifelong memories and where dreams can become a reality. The remodeled modern and airy kitchen affords you with a fresh space that provides an additional dining area at the island, ample storage, and plenty of counter space. You are going to love the


Home typeSingle Family Residence
HeatingHeat Pump
CoolingCentral Air
Size843 sqft
Lot size0.17 Acres
Year built1963
ParkingGravel, On Site
MLS #100482068

Virtual tour


  • MLS Number: 100482068
  • Office Name: Palm Realty, Inc.

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Last updated on: 3/14/2025, 7:20:52 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.

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back of property featuring a wooden deck and french doors


5227 E Beach Dr


closing credit¹

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Price information

Property sales

Aug 02, 2021
Home Sold
Jul 13, 2018
Home Sold

Tax history

YearAssessmentProperty Tax

History based on county public records data.

Nearby schools


Southport Elementary School

Public District KG-5

4.6 mi

701 W 9th St


South Brunswick Charter

Public Charter KG-5

6.7 mi

2260 Achievement Ave SE


Virginia Williamson Elementary School

Public District PK-5

9.4 mi

1020 Zion Hill Rd SE

School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

All data from GreatSchools


The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $63,385. Typical income of Oak Island, NC residents is between $35k-100k annually. Most families are single, no kids. The most common level of education of people living in this area is post secondary degree.

How much money do the neighbors make?


What level of education do the neighbors have?

High School Diploma
Post Secondary Degree
Masters Degree

What types of families live nearby?

Single, No Kids
Single, with Kids
Married, No Kids
Married, with Kids

Are the neighbors home owners or renters?

Home Owners

How old are people in this area?

<11 yrs old
12-17 yrs old
18-34 yrs old
35-64 yrs old
65+ yrs old

What do the neighbors do for fun?

  • Figure SkatingFigure Skating
  • Pro WrestlingPro Wrestling

Where do the neighbors shop?

  • KmartKmart
  • Stein MartStein Mart
  • Family DollarFamily Dollar

Where do the neighbors go to eat?

  • Bob EvansBob Evans
  • Dominos PizzaDominos Pizza
  • SonicSonic

What do the neighbors drive?

  • BuickBuick
  • LincolnLincoln
  • FordFord

What do the neighbors listen to?

  • OldiesOldies
  • News/Talk/InformationNews/Talk/Information
  • New CountryNew Country
All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas

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Frequently asked questions

About 5227 E Beach Dr

This home is located at 5227 E Beach Dr in Oak Island, NC and zip code 28465. This 843 square foot home, which was built in 1963, sits on a 0.17 acre lot. Features: 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since January 5, 2025 and is currently priced at $949,000.

In February 2025, from all listings sold in Oak Island, NC there were more than 3 sold above asking price, over 34 sold below and more than 3 were sold right at the asked price. In February 2025 in Oak Island, NC there were 20.6% more homes for sale than in January. While the average time on the market in February 2025 was 102 days, the median list price was $645,166.

From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.

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