#73341114, Maxine Malka Freedman, Listing Office: Hammond Residential Real Estate
545 Boylston St Unit 545 Brookline, MA 02445
Property details
About 545 Boylston St Unit 545
Rarely available Fisher Hill Estates end-unit townhouse with water views in the original 1880 brick mansion. The property sits on 13 acres of landscaped grounds originally designed by Frederick Law Olmsted. This serene, country-like setting is just minutes from downtown Boston. Meticulously finished, this 4-bedroom, 4.5-bathroom townhouse offers 4 levels of living, providing the feel of a single-family home. The custom kitchen, perfect for any home chef, features stone countertops, high-end appliances, quarry-tiled floors, ample storage, and a spacious eat-in area. Doors open to a private patio with water and garden views, ideal for relaxing or entertaining. The main bedroom boasts a walk-in closet and an ensuite bath with a large vanity, soaking tub, heated floors & glass shower. Additional highlights include gym, office spaces, central vacuum, laundry, abundant storage, a wine cellar and 2 garage spaces. Amenities include a heated pool, tennis/pickleball courts, and lush surroundings
- MLS Number: 73340782
- MLS Name: MLS Property Information Network
- Office Name: Hammond Residential Real Estate
- Office Phone: (617) 731-4644
- Listing Agent: Christman Johnsson Group
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Last updated on: 3/10/2025, 1:20:49 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.
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545 Boylston St Unit 545
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Nearby schools
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School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.
The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $344,568. Residents of Brookline, MA typically earn $200k+ each year. Most families are married, no kids. Residents of this area typically have post secondary degree education.
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About 545 Boylston St Unit 545
This home is located at 545 Boylston St Unit 545 in Brookline, MA and zip code 02445 in the Brookline Hills neighborhood. This 4,500 square foot home, which was built in 1880, sits on a 13.00 acre lot. Features: 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since March 4, 2025 and is currently priced at $2,995,000.
While more than 13 listings in Brookline, MA in February 2025 were sold above asking price, there were more than 2 listings sold at asking price, and more than 6 were sold below. The number of homes for sale in Brookline, MA increased by 7.5% between January and February 2025. Listings spent 36 days on the market in February 2025, and had a median list price of $1,190,750 during the same period.