
6850 Augusta Rd Greenville, SC 29605

Closing credit¹
4 beds
3 full
13.4 acres

Property details

About 6850 Augusta Rd

It truly doesn't get any better than this opportunity to own a legit gentleman's farm within minutes of downtown Greenville with so much to include your very own private pond and an incredible well-built all brick stately ranch home with full basement and attached rear-entry garage with incredible workshop space, and an additional In-law suite on lower level! As you pull up through the driveway flanked with pampas grass you will love the well manicured grass meadows and pastures and you will fall in love with this stately brick ranch sitting atop this large slice of paradise at approximately 13 acres. The home truly is a solid as they come and could be anything you want with a few minor cosmetic upgrades throughout. You would love the beautiful old rich oak hardwood floors, the large room sizes to include both a formal living room with quadruple window that pours and natural light to the oversize pine floors in living room, the cozy den that is large in size with gas log fireplace and entire brick wall hearth with direct access to side concrete patio, with wrought iron accents overlooking the fully stocked bass pond which sits on approximately 2 of the acres, three wonderful bedrooms, all large in size, and all on the main level and enormous dining room with large windows overlooking private rear wooded backyard, which includes a detached storage shed, real deal wood doors throughout, tons of storage, attic storage and walk down full basement with extra storage and so much more!


Home typeSingle Family Residence
Lot size13.4 Acres
ParkingAttached Garage
MLS #1542846
Garage2 spaces
FireplaceGas Logs


  • MLS Number: 1542846
  • Office Name: Coldwell Banker Caine/Williams
  • Listing Agent: Jacob Mann
  • Agent Phone: (864) 325-6266

Listing provided courtesy of Greater Greenville Association of Realtors® Internet Data Exchange Database. © 2025 GGAR MLS.

All information provided is deemed reliable but is not guaranteed and should be independently verified. GGAR MLS, this broker and their affiliates provide the MLS and all content therein “AS IS” and without any warranty, express or implied. The information included in this listing is provided exclusively for consumers’ personal, non-commercial use and may not be used for any purpose other than to identify prospective properties consumers may be interested in purchasing. The information on each listing is furnished by the owner and deemed reliable to the best of his/her knowledge, but should be verified by the purchaser. GGAR MLS and this broker assume no responsibility for typographical errors, misprints or misinformation. This property is offered without respect to any protected classes in accordance with the law.
Data displayed may be a portion of, and not a complete set of all listings published in the MLS.
Last updated on: 3/10/2025, 2:20:51 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.

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6850 Augusta Rd


closing credit¹

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Price information

Property sales

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Tax history

YearAssessmentProperty Tax

History based on county public records data.

Nearby schools


Grove Elementary School

Public District KG-5

1.3 mi

1220 Old Grove Rd


Robert E. Cashion Elementary School

Public District PK-5

2.5 mi

1500 Fork Shoals Rd


Thomas E. Kerns Elementary School

Public District KG-5

2.8 mi

6650 Frontage Road at White Horse Road

School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.

All data from GreatSchools


The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $22,831. Most Greenville, SC residents have annual incomes less than $<35k. Most families are single, no kids. The most common level of education of people living in this area is high school diploma.

How much money do the neighbors make?


What level of education do the neighbors have?

High School Diploma
Post Secondary Degree

What types of families live nearby?

Single, No Kids
Single, with Kids
Married, No Kids
Married, with Kids

Are the neighbors home owners or renters?

Home Owners

How old are people in this area?

<11 yrs old
12-17 yrs old
18-34 yrs old
35-64 yrs old
65+ yrs old

What do the neighbors do for fun?

  • Pro WrestlingPro Wrestling
  • Figure SkatingFigure Skating
  • Extreme SportsExtreme Sports

Where do the neighbors shop?

  • Wal-MartWal-Mart
  • KmartKmart
  • Academy Sports & OutdoorsAcademy Sports & Outdoors

Where do the neighbors go to eat?

  • SonicSonic
  • Bob EvansBob Evans
  • Little CaesarsLittle Caesars

What do the neighbors drive?

  • OldsmobileOldsmobile
  • BuickBuick
  • ChevroletChevrolet

What do the neighbors listen to?

  • Contemporary InspirationalContemporary Inspirational
  • OldiesOldies
  • CountryCountry
All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas

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Living in Greenville, SC

About 6850 Augusta Rd

This home is located at 6850 Augusta Rd in Greenville, SC and zip code 29605. Features: 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since November 27, 2024 and is currently priced at $899,000.

In February 2025, from all listings sold in Greenville, SC there were more than 24 sold above asking price, over 133 sold below and more than 38 were sold right at the asked price. In February 2025 in Greenville, SC there were 15.1% more homes for sale than in January. In February 2025, listings were on the market for 61 days. During the same period, the median list price in this real estate market was $359,180.

From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.

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