
9505 Anastasia Dr Weston, WI 54476

Closing credit¹
5 beds
3 full, 1 partial
3,440 sqft
2.0 acres
$190 / sqft

Property details

About 9505 Anastasia Dr

This beautiful home includes 5 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, and an oversized attached garage (36'x40'). The garage also has a wash station with hot and cold water, separate access to the lower level with over head storage and side storage and is prepped for a Modine Heater. As you enter the home from the garage you will have a mud area with an attached laundry room. The main living area has cathedral ceilings. So while each room offers its own separate area you still feel the more modern open concept. The kitchen features an island for prep work, and tall cabinets, with the top row having glass doors with interior lights for showcasing. There's also a walk-in pantry right off the formal dining room. The living room has a corner fireplace and has a patio door which leads to the back of the home onto a poured concrete patio. 3 of the 5 bedrooms are located on the main level. The primary bedroom has an attached full bathroom with a walk-in closet.,The lower level has the other 2 bedrooms which one of those has a walk-in closet, a separate front sitting area at the bottom of the main stairs, a walk-in storage closet, and a large family room which has access to the garage. There is also a cold cellar located through the mechanical room for even more storage space. If you act fast you may still be able to decide on some of the items.


Home typeSingle Family Residence
HeatingForced Air, Propane
CoolingCentral Air
Size3,440 sqft
Lot size2.02 Acres
Year built2025
Parking3 Car,Attached,Opener Included
MLS #22500830
Attached garage3 spaces


  • MLS Number: 22500830
  • Office Phone: (715) 359-0521
  • Listing Agent: ALICIA REEDY-STAMM

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Last updated on: 3/13/2025, 3:20:51 AM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.

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9505 Anastasia Dr


closing credit¹

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What do the neighbors listen to?

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All data provided by Home Junction and Claritas

Frequently asked questions

About 9505 Anastasia Dr

This home is located at 9505 Anastasia Dr in Weston, WI and zip code 54476. This 3,440 square foot home, which was built in 2025, sits on a 2.02 acre lot. Features: 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since March 12, 2025 and is currently priced at $654,900.

Over 1 listings were sold over their listed price in February 2025 in Weston, WI. In the same period over 3 listings were sold below the listed price and 1 listings were sold for the listed price. The number of listings in Weston, WI increased by 17.9% between January and February 2025.

From Rocket Homes Real Estate and based on county public records data.

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