Property details
About LOT00 Petersham Rd
Spanning nearly 1.5 acres, this lot is a fantastic opportunity for builders and home owners alike! Zoned for residential construction and meeting all zoning codes, this property is ready for development. While it requires clearing and has not been perc or soil tested, it offers a solid foundation with existing fill from the original Rt 2 construction. This property does have a stream from highway runoff - which local septic/excavating professionals have deemed workable. Unique features include natural boulders and privacy, adding character to the landscape. Conveniently located near shopping centers, hiking trails and public schools, this lot offers both accessibility and potential - all at a great price!
- MLS Number: 73331132
- MLS Name: MLS Property Information Network
- Office Name: Four Columns Realty, LLC
- Office Phone: (978) 544-5100
- Listing Agent: Kaitlin Scutari
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Last updated on: 3/14/2025, 12:20:49 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at
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LOT00 Petersham Rd
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Nearby schools
Petersham Center
Public District KG-6
3.4 mi
•31 Spring St
Templeton Center Elementary School
Public District KG-1
4.6 mi
•17 South Rd
Athol Community Elementary School
Public District PK-4
5.3 mi
•1064 Pleasant St
School ratings are a score out of 10, where 10 is the highest and 1 is the lowest.
The neighbors living near this home have an average income of $73,878. The majority of Athol, MA residents have income between $35k-100k annually. Residents typically live in married, no kids family. Typical level of education for residents in this area is post secondary degree.
Frequently asked questions
About LOT00 Petersham Rd
This home is located at LOT00 Petersham Rd in Athol, MA and zip code 01331. Features: 0 bathroom. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since January 31, 2025 and is currently priced at $45,000.
The inventory of homes for sale in Athol, MA between January and February 2025 increased by 10%. Listings spent 116 days on the market in February 2025, and had a median list price of $467,450 during the same period.