Property details
About TBDA Superior Shores Road
This 86+/- acre parcel of land boasts a diverse topography, including a high bluff to enjoy amazing views of Lake superior from some areas and a mix of rolling hills, providing ample opportunities for outdoor recreation and privacy. Located in a picturesque area with a reasonable drive to Houghton and the Stanton Township Lake Superior beach park, this could be a great investment opportunity for those looking to capitalize on its natural beauty and unique features. With its stunning views and varied terrain, this land is ideal for a wide range of recreational activities or future development if it is removed from the CFA program. Superior Shores Road is plowed year round for ease of access. Electric along Superior Shores Road. Property is in the CFA program and shall remain in CFA at the time of closing. Some photos of general area. Parcel is subject to easements. NOTICE: All information believed accurate but not warranted. Buyer recommended to inspect property, verify utility locations and all information & bears all risks for any inaccuracies. Tax information is subject to change. All measurements (acres, lot size, square footage etc) are estimated. Sellers may have audio/video recording devices present on property. By entering or being on property, Buyer and Buyer’s agent consent to being recorded. OFFERS: Seller requests 72 hours response time on offers. Seller, at seller's sole discretion, with or without notice, reserves the right to set and/or modify deadlines for receipt of and seller’s response to offers.
- MLS Number: 50108533
- MLS Name: Upper Peninsula Assoc of Realtors
- Office Phone: (906) 482-0001
- Office Email:
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Last updated on: 3/14/2025, 7:20:52 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at
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TBDA Superior Shores Road
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About TBDA Superior Shores Road
This home is located at TBDA Superior Shores Road in Atlantic Mine, MI and zip code 49905. Features: 0 bathroom. It has been listed on Rocket Homes since September 6, 2023 and is currently priced at $525,000.