Prairieville Housing Market Report February 2025Ascension County, Louisiana

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Housing Prices in Prairieville, LA

How much do homes in Prairieville, LA cost?

Median List Price

Median List Price
This is the middle price for which all homes in a given area are listed. Half of all the homes sold were below this price, and half were above.

Based on all homes listed in February 2025


The list price of homes in Prairieville has remained the same since January.

Summary: The median home list price in Prairieville was $334,500 in February 2025, the same as the previous month, and the median price per square foot was $154.

Median List Price By Cities

Median List Price By Cities
This is the middle price for which all homes in the area were sold compared to surrounding cities. Half of all the homes sold were below this price, and half were above.
CityChange MoM
Saint Amant

Median List Price By Bedrooms

Median List Price By Bedrooms
This is the middle price for all homes actively listed in an area broken out by the number of bedrooms. Half of the homes are listed below this price, and half are above.
BedsJan 2025Feb 2025Change MoM

Summary: Prairieville housing price by bedroom type for February 2025, compared to the previous month. The home price for 1 bedroom homes did not change. The home price for 2 bedroom homes did not change. The home price for 3 bedroom homes decreased by -32.3%. The home price for 4 bedroom homes increased by +4.6%. The home price for 5 bedroom homes did not change.

How does Prairieville, LA compare with other places?

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Data and numbers shown are subject to change and may vary based on different timeframes.

Prairieville, LA

Housing supply in Prairieville, LA

How many homes are available in Prairieville, LA?

Number of Homes For Sale

Number of Homes For Sale
This is the total number of homes actively listed in an area.
Last Month2 months agoChange MoM
10Last MonthFeb 2025
82 months agoJan 2025
+25.0 %
Change MoMJan – Feb

Summary: The Prairieville real estate market had 10 homes for sale in Feb 2025, a 25.0 % increase compared to Jan 2025.

Homes For Sale By Bedroom Count

Homes For Sale By Bedroom Count
This is the total number of homes actively listed in an area by number of bedrooms.
BedsJan 2025Feb 2025Change MoM

Summary: Prairieville housing inventory by bedroom type for February 2025, compared to the previous month. The inventory for 1 bedroom homes remained the same. The inventory for 2 bedroom homes remained the same. The inventory for 3 bedroom homes decreased by -50.0%. The inventory for 4 bedroom homes increased by +50.0%. The inventory for 5 bedroom homes remained the same.

Asking Price vs. Sold Price

How much do homes in Prairieville, LA cost?

Asking Price vs. Sold Price

The asking price is how much a home is listed for. The selling price is how much the home actually sold for.

Under Asking

Homes that sold for less than the asking price

At Asking

Homes that sold at their asking price

Over Asking

Homes that sold above the asking price

Over Asking Price1 Home

At Asking Price0 Home

Under Asking Price1 Home


If you're buying a home in Prairieville, you may be able to get a good deal. 50% of homes here sold below asking price last month.

Summary: A total of 2 homes were sold or pending in Prairieville in February 2025, up by 100.0% month-over-month. Of the 2 sold homes, 50% were sold under asking, 0% were sold at asking, and and 50% were sold over asking.

Days on Market for Prairieville, LA

How long does it take to sell a home in Prairieville, LA?

Breakdown of Home Sale Times

Under 30 Days1 Home

30 – 90 Days0 Home

Over 90 Days1 Home


Many homes in Prairieville are selling fast, if you're buying plan to act quickly.

Summary: During February 2025, 2 homes were sold in Prairieville; 50% of homes were sold within 30 days, 0% of homes were sold within 30 to 90 days, and 50% of homes were sold over 90 days.

Average Listing Age

Average Listing Age
This is the average number of days an active home has been on the market.
Last Month1 month agoChange MoM
65 DaysLast MonthFeb 2025
83 Days1 month agoJan 2025
-21.3 %
Change MoMJan – Feb

Summary: Homes in Prairieville had an average listing age of 65 days in Feb 2025, down by 21.3% compared to the previous month.

Newest Listings in Prairieville, LA

What homes are available in Prairieville, LA?

Nearby markets

Nearby markets aren't available for Prairieville, LA

MLS Disclaimers and Copyright

Based on information from ROAM MLS, for the period 01/01/2025 - 03/01/2025

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Last updated on: 3/12/2025, 11:20:50 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at