Tilden Township Housing Market Report February 2025Marquette County, Michigan

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Housing Prices in Tilden Township, MI

How much do homes in Tilden Township, MI cost?

Median List Price

Median List Price
This is the middle price for which all homes in a given area are listed. Half of all the homes sold were below this price, and half were above.

Based on all homes listed in February 2025


The list price of homes in Tilden Township has remained the same since January.

Summary: The median home list price in Tilden Township was $224,900 in February 2025, the same as the previous month, and the median price per square foot was $115.

Median List Price By Cities

Median List Price By Cities
This is the middle price for which all homes in the area were sold compared to surrounding cities. Half of all the homes sold were below this price, and half were above.
CityChange MoM
Tilden Township
Ely Township

Median List Price By Bedrooms

Median List Price By Bedrooms
This is the middle price for all homes actively listed in an area broken out by the number of bedrooms. Half of the homes are listed below this price, and half are above.
BedsJan 2025Feb 2025Change MoM

Summary: Tilden Township housing price by bedroom type for February 2025, compared to the previous month. The home price for 1 bedroom homes did not change. The home price for 2 bedroom homes did not change. The home price for 3 bedroom homes decreased by 0.0%. The home price for 4 bedroom homes did not change. The home price for 5 bedroom homes did not change.

How does Tilden Township, MI compare with other places?

Market comparison tool

Data and numbers shown are subject to change and may vary based on different timeframes.

Tilden Township, MI

Housing supply in Tilden Township, MI

How many homes are available in Tilden Township, MI?

Number of Homes For Sale

Number of Homes For Sale
This is the total number of homes actively listed in an area.
Last Month2 months agoChange MoM
1Last MonthFeb 2025
12 months agoJan 2025
0.0 %
Change MoMJan – Feb

Summary: The Tilden Township real estate market had 1 homes for sale in Feb 2025, the same as Jan 2025

Homes For Sale By Bedroom Count

Homes For Sale By Bedroom Count
This is the total number of homes actively listed in an area by number of bedrooms.
BedsJan 2025Feb 2025Change MoM

Summary: Tilden Township housing inventory by bedroom type for February 2025, compared to the previous month. The inventory for 1 bedroom homes remained the same. The inventory for 2 bedroom homes remained the same. The inventory for 3 bedroom homes remained the same. The inventory for 4 bedroom homes remained the same. The inventory for 5 bedroom homes remained the same.

Days on Market for Tilden Township, MI

How long does it take to sell a home in Tilden Township, MI?

Average Listing Age

Average Listing Age
This is the average number of days an active home has been on the market.
Last Month1 month agoChange MoM
25 DaysLast MonthFeb 2025
59 Days1 month agoJan 2025
-57.6 %
Change MoMJan – Feb

Summary: Homes in Tilden Township had an average listing age of 25 days in Feb 2025, down by 57.6% compared to the previous month.

Newest Listings in Tilden Township, MI

What homes are available in Tilden Township, MI?

MLS Disclaimers and Copyright

Based on information from MiRealSource Inc. DL, for the period 01/01/2025 - 03/01/2025

IDX Provided through IDX via MiRealSource, as the “Source MLS”, courtesy of the Originating MLS shown on the property listing, as the Originating MLS.

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Data displayed may be a portion of, and not a complete set of all listings published in the MLS.
Last updated on: 3/12/2025, 3:21:20 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.