#37273342, Jarrod Guillory, Listing Office: LPT Realty, LLC
#37273342, Jarrod Guillory, Listing Office: LPT Realty, LLC
#38082529, Silvia Lizarraga, Listing Office: HomeSmart
#57492028, Cameron Namazi, Listing Office: Summit Realty
#66301169, Aracely Herrera, Listing Office: MetroPlus Realty
#40612738, Steve Spicer, Listing Office: Real Broker, LLC
#95482904, Nathyn Martinez, Listing Office: BlueRoof Real Estate
#5733424, Wiley Davis, Listing Office: Wiley Davis Real Estate
#27205228, Charles Kniffen, Listing Office: Texas United Realty
#91769863, Jimmy Franklin, Listing Office: eXp Realty LLC
#8373099, Korina Carnes, Listing Office: JLA Realty
#10002497, Ram Diaz, Listing Office: Priority One Real Estate
#76435733, Orpha Palomares, Listing Office: Orpha Ruth Palomares Realty
#36997637, Fadi Shehadeh, Listing Office: JPAR - The Sears Group
#9107758, Steven Koleno, Listing Office: Beycome Brokerage Realty, LLC
#21510613, Yohan Adhitama, Listing Office: REALM Real Estate Professionals - Sugar Land
#31679807, Hugo Mendoza, Listing Office: HomeSmart
Elementary Schools
Gallegos Elementary School
7415 Harrisburg Blvd
Public District EE-5
Oates Elementary School
10044 Wallisville Rd
Public District EE-5
Pleasantville Elementary School
1431 Gellhorn Dr
Public District EE-5
Middle Schools
Galena Park Middle School
400 Keene St
Public District 6-8
Holland Middle School
1600 Gellhorn Dr
Public District 6-8
High Schools
Galena Park High School
1000 Keene St
Public District 9-12
Furr High School
520 Mercury Dr
Public Magnet 9-12
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Last updated on: 3/14/2025, 12:55:48 AM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.