#41583699, Rashad Garrett, Listing Office: Brooks & Davis Real Estate
#41583699, Rashad Garrett, Listing Office: Brooks & Davis Real Estate
#93343085, David Mills, Listing Office: TBT Real Estate
#48467885, Anthony Salas, Listing Office: Keller Williams Realty Southwest
#20461770, Laurence Thompson, Listing Office: Stone's Throw Realty
#26763647, Violet Gonzalez, Listing Office: Crown Eagle Realty
#39733567, Shakeib Baradhi, Listing Office: Baradhi Real Estate
#59546643, Michelle Stroman, Listing Office: Mega Realty
#57105736, Sara Kelly, Listing Office: Mega Realty
#41214034, Traci Ethington, Listing Office: Covenant Properties Real Estate
#80935489, Isaac Tijerina, Listing Office: Tijerina Group Real Estate Consultants
#61990854, Dora Gonzalez, Listing Office: SanDoray Real Estate, LLC
#13500089, Ryan Birdsong, Listing Office: Birdsong Real Estate
#57126531, Lisa Warner, Listing Office: eXp Realty LLC
#46167610, David Mills, Listing Office: TBT Real Estate
#51336607, Lisa Rouse, Listing Office: Houston Realty
#44419855, Lisa Warner, Listing Office: eXp Realty LLC
#78929696, Layne Muegge, Listing Office: C. E. Muegge Real Estate
#61451013, Angela Heiman, Listing Office: Texas Premier Realty
#69013833, Jo Nell Joice, Listing Office: Jo Nell Joice, Broker
#12856153, Brittney Moreno, Listing Office: American Realty
#48359306, Kimberly Williams, Listing Office: Clark Realty
#66844402, Juanita Christie, Listing Office: Alford Realty
#63365799, Sue Cornell, Listing Office: Coldwell Banker Ultimate
#68113720, Susan Garczynski, Listing Office: Keller Williams Realty Southwest
#72472332, Chet Polniazek, Listing Office: 1st Texas Realty Services
#58049892, Leticia A. Riojas, Listing Office: The Affinity Group Realty & Co.
#77221526, Nina Gonzalez, Listing Office: Nina's Realty
#94824109, Brandy Archie, Listing Office: Clark Realty
#70045186, Susanne Byrd, Listing Office: Real Estate Plus
#83092451, Cheryl Stovall, Listing Office: American Realty
#35169682, Norma Smith, Listing Office: SES Real Estate Group
#14590117, Sigrid Colesio, Listing Office: Colesio Real Estate, LLC
#23499299, Sigrid Colesio, Listing Office: Colesio Real Estate, LLC
#68488580, Victor Juarez, Listing Office: Birdsong Real Estate
#9490805, Sigrid Colesio, Listing Office: Colesio Real Estate, LLC
#16881683, Jalina Smith, Listing Office: Provenzano Properties
#75251880, Wendy Baty, Listing Office: Provenzano Properties
#29886331, Juanita Christie, Listing Office: Alford Realty
#12408980, Emmanuel Fonseca, Listing Office: eXp Realty, LLC
#19161093, Robert Peltier, Listing Office: Bob Peltier & Associates
Elementary Schools
Sweeny Elementary School
905 Sycamore
Public District PK-5
West Columbia Elementary School
711 S Gray Ave
Public District KG-6
Middle Schools
Sweeny Jr High School
800 N Elm St
Public District 6-9
High Schools
Columbia High School
521 S 16th St
Public District 9-12
Sweeny High School
600 E Ashley Wilson Rd
Public District 9-12
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Last updated on: 3/4/2025, 2:20:48 AM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.