#42744335, Monica Darpi, Listing Office: Keller Williams Realty Metropolitan
#42744335, Monica Darpi, Listing Office: Keller Williams Realty Metropolitan
#36220143, Anthony Bianchi, Listing Office: RE/MAX Signature
#30949962, Todd Baker, Listing Office: Keller Williams Realty Southwest
#42482599, Evan Compean, Listing Office: Compean Group
#81859965, Sal Gill, Listing Office: Houstonian Properties
#36191803, Gabrielle Strout, Listing Office: Compass RE Texas, LLC - Memorial
#16404778, Amy Bernstein, Listing Office: Bernstein Realty
#30836184, Evan Compean, Listing Office: Compean Group
#98754841, Albert Cantu, Listing Office: Compass RE Texas, LLC - Houston
#12740181, Brandi Wade, Listing Office: Diverse City Realty
#62156719, Mark Welch, Listing Office: Coldwell Banker Realty - Heights
#52762851, James Evans, Listing Office: Pinnacle Realty Advisors
#20055489, Sandy Pearson, Listing Office: Century Properties Real Estate
#22114925, Shannon Lester, Listing Office: Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene - Memorial
#57444539, Alan Chodrow, Listing Office: Chodrow Realty Advisors
#28799697, Alexandra Hampson, Listing Office: Hampson Properties
#22590083, Morad Fiki, Listing Office: Future Real Estate
#53385540, Nancy Furst, Listing Office: RUTLEDGE REAL ESTATE LLC
#55508279, Lucas Marcelli, Listing Office: Keller Williams Memorial
#61831887, Nayellie Romero, Listing Office: JLA Realty
#60858513, Delia Barajas, Listing Office: eXp Realty LLC
#47291030, Faron Daigle, Listing Office: Faron Daigle Realty
#39943228, Faron Daigle, Listing Office: Faron Daigle Realty
#92513423, Meagan Travis, Listing Office: Travis Realty Group, LLC
#96655516, Meagan Travis, Listing Office: Travis Realty Group, LLC
#39779289, Evan Howell, Listing Office: Evan S. Howell, Inc.
#60611732, Sabrina Elias, Listing Office: Martha Turner Sotheby's International Realty
#96044107, Ahmad Adam, Listing Office: Adam Group Realty, LLC
#7706149, Harley Hedgpeth, Listing Office: Coldwell Banker Realty - Heights
#42899845, Harley Hedgpeth, Listing Office: Coldwell Banker Realty - Heights
#98182575, Robert Chou, Listing Office: A&RC Properties, LLC
#86392408, Alan Chodrow, Listing Office: Chodrow Realty Advisors
#19138744, Alan Chodrow, Listing Office: Chodrow Realty Advisors
Elementary Schools
Harvard Elementary School
810 Harvard St
Public Magnet EE-5
Travis Elementary School
3311 Beauchamp St
Public Magnet EE-5
Love Elementary School
1120 W 13th St
Public District EE-5
Middle Schools
Hamilton Middle School
139 E 20th St
Public Magnet 6-8
Hogg Middle School
1100 Merrill St
Public Magnet 6-8
High Schools
Reagan High School
413 E 13th St
Public Magnet 9-12
Houston Heights Charter School
1125 Lawrence St
Public Charter 9-12
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Last updated on: 3/15/2025, 4:20:50 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.