#4207312, Rosalinda Swartz, Listing Office: Redfin Corporation
#4207312, Rosalinda Swartz, Listing Office: Redfin Corporation
#33102374, Liliana Lagou, Listing Office: Ameri Choice Realty, LLC
#51006057, Mahir Rizvon, Listing Office: Truss Real Estate, LLC
#30942111, Guadalupe Miranda, Listing Office: Mission Realty
#75843295, Jacqui Narro, Listing Office: Jacqui Narro Realty
#45267902, Carolyn Guillory, Listing Office: S.M.A.A.R.T. Real Estate Brokerage LLC
#61014382, Virginia Calise, Listing Office: JLA Realty
#37636134, Kristie Farmer, Listing Office: Keller Williams Signature
#83462750, Maira Rondan, Listing Office: Venture Realty, LLC
#6974100, Lisa Williams, Listing Office: Southern Star Realty
#82744861, Brianna Johnson, Listing Office: REALM Real Estate Professionals - North Houston
#5056062, Bea Flores, Listing Office: Sovereign Real Estate Grp
#63587820, Maria Bonilla, Listing Office: Casa Bonilla Realty LLC
#10805270, Christopher Tubbs, Listing Office: IDG Realty
#2327321, Christopher Tubbs, Listing Office: IDG Realty
#12648106, Miguel Gutierrez, Listing Office: HomeSmart
#31323990, David Olowonira, Listing Office: RA Brokers
#6556205, Regina Pope, Listing Office: Shaw Real Estate
Elementary Schools
Kashmere Gardens Elementary School
4901 Lockwood Dr
Public District EE-5
McGowen Elementary School
6820 Homestead Rd
Public District EE-5
Cook Elementary School
7115 Lockwood Dr
Public Magnet EE-5
Middle Schools
Key Middle School
4000 Kelley St
Public District 6-8
High Schools
Kashmere High School
6900 Wileyvale Rd
Public Magnet 9-12
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Last updated on: 3/6/2025, 5:00:49 AM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.