#51380468, Linh Phan, Listing Office: Keller Williams Signature
#51380468, Linh Phan, Listing Office: Keller Williams Signature
#36039273, Rosalia Montes Ventura, Listing Office: The Agency Team
#9219573, Brian Buhr, Listing Office: Sluco Realty Services
#74260792, Michelle Miller, Listing Office: Compass RE Texas, LLC - Memorial
#59240002, Emily Wang, Listing Office: Intown Homes
#35934992, Mel Reyna, Listing Office: The Reyna Group
#42473886, Jennifer Lucio, Listing Office: Martha Turner Sotheby's International Realty
#80053781, Waldina Galeano, Listing Office: The Agency Team
#19167659, Hardy Pollard, Listing Office: Nan & Company Properties
#14992151, Lupita Padilla, Listing Office: Martha Turner Sotheby's International Realty - The Woodlands
#25325516, Sean Namli, Listing Office: Dr. Sean Realty, LLC
#96127139, Faiza Anwar, Listing Office: RE/MAX ONE
#88972002, Herma Hayes, Listing Office: RE/MAX Universal
#24236376, Justin Dickey, Listing Office: CB&A, Realtors
#20984063, Todd Patin, Listing Office: RE/MAX Signature
#58984319, Ashley Reaves, Listing Office: Corcoran Genesis
#57778086, Farhan Ajanee, Listing Office: Pinnacle Realty Advisors
#83030116, Amrita Karnani, Listing Office: NB Elite Realty
#28793074, Thalina Garcia, Listing Office: Nan & Company Properties
#34207537, William Bailey, Listing Office: William Bailey, Broker
#14242720, Wilson Chan, Listing Office: Real Broker, LLC
#55345334, Stephanie Warren, Listing Office: Redfin Corporation
#10417684, Blake Vincent, Listing Office: DUX Realty, LLC
#57661788, Emily Scarborough, Listing Office: Compass RE Texas, LLC - The Heights
#19975106, Ross Lehnhardt, Listing Office: All City Real Estate, Ltd. Co.
#46705278, Patrick Burbridge, Listing Office: CitiQuest Properties
#53840502, Patrick Burbridge, Listing Office: CitiQuest Properties
#10292329, Patrick Burbridge, Listing Office: CitiQuest Properties
#16592232, Rani Yassawi, Listing Office: NextHome Centurion Realty
#12229168, Darrell Wood, Listing Office: Anne Vickery & Associates Realty, LLC
#82511082, Ronald Espling, Listing Office: Nan & Company Properties
#32100503, Christina Gaytan, Listing Office: HomeSmart
#88534495, Alex Berry, Listing Office: Nan & Company Properties
#10174294, Quarnelia Patterson, Listing Office: Walzel Properties - Corporate Office
#27525364, Ali Ghamsari, Listing Office: Keller Williams Signature
#76587778, Rebecca Turner, Listing Office: Greenwood King Properties - Voss Office
#95475907, Carson Deer, Listing Office: Capital Real Estate Commercial, Inc.
#5793476, Casey Dewees, Listing Office: Keller Williams Memorial
#89680388, Ruth Carratala-Vargas, Listing Office: eXp Realty LLC
#30323328, Michael Stavinoha, Listing Office: Keller Williams Memorial
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Last updated on: 3/13/2025, 4:20:56 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.