#245692, Antonio M Segalla, Listing Office: LANCE VERMEULEN RE, INC
#245692, Antonio M Segalla, Listing Office: LANCE VERMEULEN RE, INC
#73342320, Geoffrey Roman, Listing Office: Realty One Group Dream Makers
#245636, Eric Steuernagle, Listing Office: FAIRGROUND REAL ESTATE, INC
#245618, Ryan Lane, Listing Office: GILCREST PROPERTIES
#245609, Maggie C Merelle, Listing Office: WILLIAM PITT SOTHEBYS - GT BARRINGTON
#245557, Katie Williams, Listing Office: STONE HOUSE PROPERTIES, LLC
#73335382, Derek Greene, Listing Office: The Greene Realty Group
#245553, India Ward, Listing Office: NON-MEMBER / RECIPROCAL
#245547, William Morrow, Listing Office: WILLIAM PITT SOTHEBYS - GT BARRINGTON
#245546, William Morrow, Listing Office: WILLIAM PITT SOTHEBYS - GT BARRINGTON
#245532, David Carlson, Listing Office: FAIRGROUND REAL ESTATE, INC
#245499, Helen Mullany, Listing Office: HELEN MULLANY REAL ESTATE, LLC
#245493, Antonio M Segalla, Listing Office: LANCE VERMEULEN RE, INC
#245366, Antonio M Segalla, Listing Office: LANCE VERMEULEN RE, INC
#245345, Claudia Crane, Listing Office: Compass Massachusetts, LLC
#244951, Dan Alden, Listing Office: ALDEN COUNTRY REAL ESTATE SERVICES
#245024, Tanya LeRose, Listing Office: THE KINDERHOOK GROUP - PITTSFIELD
#245219, Christian G Deckert, Listing Office: WILLIAM PITT SOTHEBYS - GT BARRINGTON
#245306, Helen Mullany, Listing Office: HELEN MULLANY REAL ESTATE, LLC
#243036, Elyse Harney Morris, Listing Office: ELYSE HARNEY REAL ESTATE
#243520, Mark Rosengren, Listing Office: LANCE VERMEULEN RE, INC
#244831, David Carlson, Listing Office: FAIRGROUND REAL ESTATE, INC
#244456, Antonio M Segalla, Listing Office: LANCE VERMEULEN RE, INC
#244410, Susan Baum, Listing Office: BERKSHIRE HOMES AND CONDOS
#245300, Michael Linden, Listing Office: WILLIAM PITT SOTHEBYS - GT BARRINGTON
#245269, Christian G Deckert, Listing Office: WILLIAM PITT SOTHEBYS - GT BARRINGTON
#244591, Helen Mullany, Listing Office: HELEN MULLANY REAL ESTATE, LLC
#244516, Timothy Lovett, Listing Office: Compass Massachusetts, LLC
#242397, Timothy Lovett, Listing Office: Compass Massachusetts, LLC
#244625, Timothy Lovett, Listing Office: Compass Massachusetts, LLC
#243342, Mary Jane White, Listing Office: COHEN & WHITE ASSOCIATES
#240651, Lance Vermeulen, Listing Office: LANCE VERMEULEN RE, INC
#244693, Suzann Laverack Ward, Listing Office: HOUSATONIC REAL ESTATE
#242053, Helen Mullany, Listing Office: HELEN MULLANY REAL ESTATE, LLC
#244901, Helen Mullany, Listing Office: HELEN MULLANY REAL ESTATE, LLC
#244801, Helen Mullany, Listing Office: HELEN MULLANY REAL ESTATE, LLC
#245191, John Segalla, Listing Office: HOUSATONIC REAL ESTATE
#243930, Molly Thomas, Listing Office: Compass Massachusetts, LLC
#243061, Antonio M Segalla, Listing Office: LANCE VERMEULEN RE, INC
Elementary Schools
Muddy Brook Regional Elementary School
318 Monument Valley Rd
Public District PK-4
Middle Schools
Monument Valley Regional Middle School
313 Monument Valley Rd
Public District 5-8
High Schools
Monument Mountain Regional High School
600 Stockbridge Rd
Public District 9-12
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Last updated on: 3/10/2025, 5:16:00 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.
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Last updated on: 3/10/2025, 5:20:49 PM Eastern. If you have any questions regarding the accuracy of this data, please contact us at help@rockethomes.com.